So here's a typical example of the throw vs throw ex thing:
Basically it revolves around either messing up the line numbers in your stack trace (throw ex;) or losing an chunk of your stack entirely (throw;) - exception1 and 2 respectively in this nice clear answer
the third option
I've just figured out why.
Because in my own code, whenever I catch and re-throw I always wrap another exception to add more context before rethrowing, and this means you don't have either of the above problems. For example:
private static void ThrowException3() {
try {
DivByZero(); // line 43
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception("doh", ex); // line 45
Exception 3:
System.Exception: doh ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Division by zero
at puke.DivByZero () [0x00002] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:51
at puke.ThrowException3 () [0x00000] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:43
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at puke.ThrowException3 () [0x0000b] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:45
at puke.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00040] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:18
Obviously 'doh' would be something meaningful about the state of that function ThrowException3 in the real world.
Full example with output at
This makes life much easier when tracking down bugs / state problems later on. Particularly if you string.format() the new message and add some useful state info.