14 June 2012

automatic mysql backups

On a debian server with mediawiki installed and running with a local mysql.

root@myserver:~# apt-get install automysqlbackup

root@myserver:~# crontab -e

# m  h  dom mon dow   command
  5  4  *   *   *     automysqlbackup

root@myserver:~# automysqlbackup
root@myserver:~# cd /var/lib/automysqlbackup/
root@myserver:/var/lib/automysqlbackup# find .

Result! No longer need to write a custom cron script each time.

Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/

11 June 2012

Connecting to smb shares on a domain in gnome

The domain name has to be UPPERCASE otherwise authentication fails.

Majorly confusing.

Time lost: 3 hours.
