git svn clone -T trunk/openlayers/ -t tags/openlayers/ -b branches/openlayers/ openlayers.git
"" is in the wrong place and gets pulled in by the git clone.
I should have used
to avoid the docs-2.8 tag pulling in docs history but not going to re-clone now. If you are repeating this, try this instead:git svn clone --no-follow-parent -T trunk/openlayers/ -t tags/openlayers/ -b branches/openlayers/ openlayers.git
Find the errant docs branches & eliminate:
cd openlayers.git
for x in `git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" 'refs/remotes/tags/docs*'`; do git update-ref -d $x; done
# expunge old objects (I think this works)
git reflog expire --all
git gc --aggressive --prune
Then run: to create real git tags.
If you just want the result you can download a copy complete with svn metadata from
You will then be able to run
git svn fetch
to get updates from the openlayers svn server.
There is a published copy at, though it doesn't have the svn metadata.
I also tackled the docs folder:
The docs directory has no matching branch or tag directories, so the following is sufficient:
git svn clone -T trunk/doc openlayers-doc.git
git gc --aggressive --prune
You can download this from
Anything else I come up with will end up at